Hardening Infrastructure Security Against SSO Identity Provider Compromise
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tctl CLI reference

tctl is a CLI tool that allows a cluster administrator to manage all resources in a cluster, including nodes, users, tokens, certificates, and devices.

tctl can also be used to modify the dynamic configuration of the cluster, such as creating new user roles or connecting to trusted clusters.


Before running tctl commands, administrators must authenticate to a Teleport cluster. This section explains how tctl authenticates to the cluster.

On a remote host with an identity file

tctl can authenticate with a user-provided identity file. The Teleport Auth Service signs an identity file when a user runs tctl auth sign or tsh login --out=<output-path>, and the user can include the path to the identity file in the --identity flag when running tctl commands.

When using the --identity flag, the user must provide the --auth-server flag with the address of an Auth Service or Proxy Service so tctl knows which cluster to authenticate to.

On the same host as the Teleport Auth Service

If there is a Teleport configuration file on the host where tctl is run, tctl attempts to authenticate to the Auth Service named in the configuration file using an identity stored in its local backend.

tctl authenticates using this method if a configuration file exists at /etc/teleport.yaml or TELEPORT_CONFIG_FILE points to a configuration file in another location. If the auth_service is disabled in the configuration file, then the configuration file is ignored.


Note that when a tctl command is run locally on the Auth Service, the audit logs will show that it was performed by the Auth Service itself.

To provide an accurate audit trail, it is important to limit direct SSH access to the Auth Service with Access Controls and ensure that admins use tctl remotely instead.

On a remote host after running tsh login

If tctl cannot find a local Teleport configuration file or a user-provided identity file, it attempts to load the user's tsh profile to authenticate to the cluster. The tsh profile is created when a user runs tsh login.

tctl reads the TELEPORT_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to determine if a Teleport configuration file is present. If you are using your tsh profile to authenticate tctl, you must ensure that one of these conditions is true:

On a remote host with an identity file

tctl can authenticate with a user-provided identity file. The Teleport Auth Service signs an identity file when a user runs tctl auth sign or tsh login --out=<output-path>, and the user can include the path to the identity file in the --identity flag when running tctl commands.

When using the --identity flag, the user must alo provide the --auth-server flag with the address of an Auth Service or Proxy Service so tctl knows which cluster to authenticate to.

On a remote host after running tsh login

If tctl cannot find a local Teleport configuration file or a user-provided identity file, it attempts to load the user's tsh profile to authenticate to the cluster. The tsh profile is created when a user runs tsh login.

tctl reads the TELEPORT_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to determine if a Teleport configuration file is present. If you are using your tsh profile to authenticate tctl, you must ensure that one of these conditions is true:

  • No file exists at /etc/teleport.yaml

Otherwise tctl will attempt to connect to a Teleport cluster on the machine, which could result in the error, ERROR: open /var/lib/teleport/host_uuid: permission denied.

tctl global flags

NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
-d, --debugnonenoneEnable verbose logging to stderr
-c, --config/etc/teleport.yamlstring filepathPath to a configuration file
--auth-servernonehost:portAttempts to connect to specific Auth/Proxy Service address(es) instead of a local Auth Service (
-i, --identitynonestring filepathPath to an identity file
--insecurenonenoneWhen specifying a Proxy Service address in --auth-server, do not verify its TLS certificate. Danger: any data you send can be intercepted or modified by an attacker

tctl acl get

Gets and displays information about a particular access list.

tctl acl get <id>

tctl acl ls

Lists Access Lists on the cluster.

tctl acl ls

tctl acl users add

Adds a user to an access list.

tctl acl users add <access-list-name> <user> [<expires>] [<reason>]

tctl acl users ls

Lists the users in an access list.

tctl acl users ls <access-list-name>

tctl acl users rm

Removes a user from an access list.

tctl acl users rm <access-list-name> <user>

tctl alerts ack

Temporarily acknowledges a cluster alert, preventing the alert from being displayed to users. Acknowledgements last for 24 hours by default. Users will begin seeing the alert again when the acknowledgement expires.

tctl alerts ack [<flags>] <id>


  • <id>: the ID of the cluster alert to acknowledge


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--ttl24hAny durationTime duration to acknowledge the alert for
--clearnoneClear an existing alert acknowledgement
--reasonnoneThe reason for suppressing this alert


Suppress the cluster alert notifying users that an upgrade is available:

tctl alerts ack --reason="upgrade scheduled" upgrade-suggestion
Successfully acknowledged alert 'upgrade-suggestion'. Alerts with this ID won't be pushed for 24h0m0s.

Clear an existing alert acknowledgement:

tctl alerts ack --clear upgrade-suggestion

tctl alerts ack ls

Lists alert acknowledgements.

tctl alerts ack ls
ID Reason Expires------------------ ---------------------- --------------------upgrade-suggestion "upgrade is scheduled" Wed Apr 12 16:52 UTC

tctl alerts create

Creates cluster alerts. Cluster alerts can be displayed to Teleport users in the web UI or upon logging via tsh.

tctl alerts create [<flags>] <message>


  • <message>: The message for the alert to display


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--severitylowlow, medium, highAlert severity
--ttlnoneAny durationOptional expiry for alert (alert does not expire if no TTL is specified)
--labelsnoneanyA list of labels to attach to the alert.

While any labels can be applied to an alert, there are several internal labels that can be used to configure the behavior of alerts:

  • teleport.internal/alert-on-login: yes: ensures that the alert is displayed to users upon login
  • teleport.internal/alert-permit-all: yes: ensures that the alert is displayed to all users

If no labels are specified, tctl will automatically add both of these labels.


tctl alerts create \ --severity=low \ --ttl=4h \ "The system is under maintenance, functionality may be limited."

tctl alerts list

Lists cluster alerts. This command can also be invoked as tctl alerts ls.


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--verbose (-v)falsebooleanIf set, display detailed alert info (including acknowledged alerts)
--labelsnoneComma-separated stringsA list of labels to filter by


tctl alerts list
ID Severity Expires In Message------------------------------------ -------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------da36b401-5688-426f-95b8-d0dd1ef27785 LOW 57m0s "The system is under maintenance, functionality may be limited."

tctl auth export

Exports public cluster CA certificates. This is useful for configuring external systems to trust certificates issued by Teleport.

tctl auth export [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--keysnonenoneif set, only exports private keys
--fingerprintnonestring e.g. SHA256:<fingerprint>filter authority by fingerprint
--compatnoneversion numberexport certificates compatible with specific version of Teleport
--typenoneuser, host, tls-host, tls-user, tls-user-der, windows, db, openssh, saml-idpcertificate type

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run:

tctl help <subcommand>

or see the Global Flags section.


Export all keys

tctl auth export

Filter by fingerprint

tctl auth export --fingerprint=SHA256:8xu5kh1CbHCZRrGuitbQd4hM+d9V+I7YA1mUwA/2tAo

Export tls certs only

tctl auth export --type=tls-host

tctl auth rotate

Rotate certificate authorities in the cluster:

tctl auth rotate [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--grace-periodnonerelative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3hGrace period keeps previous certificate authorities signatures valid, if set to 0 will force users to log in again and nodes to re-register.
--manualnonenoneActivate manual rotation, set rotation phases manually
--typeuser,hostuser or hostCertificate authority to rotate
--phaseinit, standby, update_clients, update_servers, rollbackTarget rotation phase to set, used in manual rotation

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Rotate only user certificates with a grace period of 200 hours:

tctl auth rotate --type=user --grace-period=200h

Rotate only host certificates with a grace period of 8 hours:

tctl auth rotate --type=host --grace-period=8h

tctl auth sign


tctl auth sign is commonly used to generate long-lived certificates for automation purposes. On supported platforms, Machine ID is a more secure alternative that generates short-lived certificates for automation workflows.

Create an identity file(s) for a given user:

tctl auth sign -o <filepath> [--user <user> | --host <host>][--format] [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--usernoneexisting userTeleport user name
--hostnoneauth hostTeleport host name
-o, --outnonefilepathidentity output
--overwritenonenoneWhen specified, write new identity files, even if they already exist
--formatfilefile, openssh, tls or kubernetesidentity format
--identitynonefileIdentity file to use for logging in to the Auth Service
--auth-servernoneauth host & portRemote Teleport host name
--ttl12hrelative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3hTTL (time to live) for the generated certificate
--compat""standard or oldsshOpenSSH compatibility flag
--proxy""Address of the Teleport Proxy ServiceWhen --format is set to kubernetes, this address will be set as the cluster address in the generated kubeconfig file
--leaf-cluster""The name of a leaf cluster.
--kube-cluster-name""Kubernetes Cluster Name
--app-name""application nameGenerate a certificate for accessing the specified web application
--db-service""Database Service nameGenerate a certificate for accessing the specified Database Service instance
--db-user""database userWhen --db-service is specified, encode this database user in the certificate
--db-name""database nameWhen --db-service is specified, encode this database name in the certificate

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Export identity file to teleport_id.pem

for user `teleport` with a ttl set to 5m

tctl auth sign --format file --ttl=5m --user teleport -o teleport_id.pem

Export identity formatted for openssh to teleport_id.pem

tctl auth sign --format openssh --user teleport -o teleport_id.pem

Export host identity, `--format openssh` must be set with `--host`

Generates grav-01 (private key) and grav-01-cert.pub in the current directory

tctl auth sign --format openssh --host grav-00

Invalid command, only one of --user or --host should be set

tctl auth sign --format openssh --host grav-00 --user teleport -o grav_host

error: --user or --host must be specified

create a certificate with a TTL of 24 hours for the jenkins user

the jenkins.pem file can later be used with `tsh`

tctl auth sign --ttl=24h --user=jenkins --out=jenkins.pem

create a certificate with a TTL of 3 months for the jenkins user

the jenkins.pem file can later be used with `tsh`

tctl auth sign --ttl=2190h --user=jenkins --out=jenkins.pem

create a certificate with a TTL of 1 day for the jenkins user

The kubeconfig file can later be used with `kubectl` or compatible tooling.

tctl auth sign --ttl=24h --user=jenkins --out=kubeconfig --format=kubernetes

Exports an identity from the Auth Server in preparation for remote

tctl execution.

tctl auth sign --user=admin --out=identity.pem

tctl bots add

Create a new Machine ID Bot:

tctl bots add <name> [<flags>]


  • <name> - name of Machine ID Bot to create.


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--rolesnoneComma-separated list of roles to assign to the Bot.Required. Specifies the roles that the Bot should be able to impersonate and include in generated credentials.
--loginsnoneComma-separated list of allowed SSH logins to set Bot's login trait to.Optional. Specifies the values that should be configured as the Bot's logins trait for the purpose of role templating.
--tokennoneString name of an existing join token.Optional. Specifies an existing join token to be used rather than creating one as part of the Bot creation.
--ttl15mDuration.Optional. Overrides the TTL of the token that will be created if --token is not specified.
--formattexttext, jsonIf set to json, return new bot information as a machine-readable JSON string.


Create a new bot named example that may assume the access role and log in as root:

tctl bots add example --roles=access --logins=root

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.

tctl bots ls

Lists all Machine ID Bots:

tctl bots ls [<flags>]

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.

tctl bots rm

Delete a Machine ID Bot:

tctl bots rm <name> [<flags>]


  • <name> - name of Machine ID Bot to delete.

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.

tctl bots update

Update a Machine ID bot:

tctl bots update <bot> [<flags>]


  • <name> - The name of the bot to update


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--add-rolesnoneComma-separated list of roles the bot may assumeAppends the given roles to the existing roles the bot may assume.
--set-rolesnoneComma-separated list of roles the bot may assumeReplaces the bots's current roles with the list provided.
--add-loginsnoneComma-separated list of allowed Unix loginsAppends the given logins to the bot's current allowed logins.
--set-loginsnoneComma-separated list of allowed Unix loginsReplaces the bot's current allowed logins with the given list.


Replace the bot example roles and add a new allowed Unix login:

tctl bots update example --add-logins=root --set-roles=access

Remove all implicitly allowed Unix logins from a bot named example by passing an empty list:

tctl bots update example --set-logins=,

Note that the bot may still be granted additional logins via roles.

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.

tctl create

Create or update a Teleport resource from a YAML file.

The supported resource types are: user, node, cluster, role, connector, and device. See the Resources Reference for complete docs on how to build these yaml files.

tctl create [<flags>] <filename>


  • <filename> resource definition file


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
-f, --forcenonenoneOverwrite the resource if already exists

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Update a user record

tctl create -f joe.yaml

Add a trusted cluster

tctl create cluster.yaml

Update a trusted cluster

tctl create -f cluster.yaml

tctl devices add

Register a device.

tctl devices add --os=OS --asset-tag=SERIAL_NUMBER


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--osnonelinux, macos, windowsDevice operating system
--asset-tagnonestringDevice inventory identifier (e.g., Mac serial number)
--enrollfalsebooleanIf set, creates a device enrollment token


tctl devices add --os=macos --asset-tag=C00AA0AAAA0A
Device C00AA0AAAA0A/macOS added to the inventory
tctl devices add --os=macos --asset-tag=C00AA0AAAA0A --enroll
Device C00AA0AAAA0A/macOS added to the inventoryRun the command below on device "C00AA0AAAA0A" to enroll it:tsh device enroll --token=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-this-is-an-example

tctl devices enroll

Create an enrollment token for a device.

tctl devices enroll [--device-id=ID] [--asset-tag=ASSET_TAG]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--device-idnonestringTeleport device identifier
--asset-tagnonestringDevice inventory identifier (e.g., Mac serial number)

One of --device-id or --asset-tag must be present.


tctl devices enroll --device-id=d40f2ee4-856d-4aef-b784-c4371e39c036
Run the command below on device "d40f2ee4-856d-4aef-b784-c4371e39c036" to enroll it:tsh device enroll --token=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-this-is-an-example
tctl devices enroll --asset-tag=C00AA0AAAA0A
Run the command below on device "C00AA0AAAA0A" to enroll it:tsh device enroll --token=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-this-is-an-example

tctl devices ls

List registered devices.

tctl devices ls


tctl devices ls

Asset Tag OS Enroll Status Device ID------------ ----- ------------- ------------------------------------C00AA0AAAA0A macOS enrolled d40f2ee4-856d-4aef-b784-c4371e39c036

tctl devices rm

Removes a registered device.

A removed device is not considered a trusted device for future device authentication attempts.

tctl devices rm [--device-id=ID] [--asset-tag=ASSET_TAG]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--device-idnonestringTeleport device identifier
--asset-tagnonestringDevice inventory identifier (e.g., Mac serial number)

One of --device-id or --asset-tag must be present.


tctl devices rm --device-id=d40f2ee4-856d-4aef-b784-c4371e39c036
Device "ac3590ec-87d4-4519-8e9e-2f35af0a9f85" removed
tctl devices rm --asset-tag=C00AA0AAAA0A
Device "C00AA0AAAA0A" removed

tctl edit

Modify a Teleport resource using your preferred text editor.

tctl edit <resource-type/resource-name>

The text editor is selected by checking the following, in order of precedence:

  • the TELEPORT_EDITOR environment variable
  • the VISUAL environment variable
  • the EDITOR environment variable
  • defaulting to vi

tctl will fetch the resource from the backend and open it in the selected editor. When the editor process terminates, tctl will push the updates to the Teleport cluster. To abandon the edit, close the editor without saving the file.

Some graphical editors like VS Code launch a background process rather than running in the foreground. This prevents tctl from properly detecting when the editor process terminates. To work around this, check whether your editor supports a "wait" option that waits for files to be closed before terminating. For example, to edit a Teleport resource with VS Code, you can set TELEPORT_EDITOR="code --wait".

Note: Renaming resources with tctl edit is not supported since Teleport resources often refer to other resources by name. To rename a resource, we recommend you:

  • fetch the resource with tctl get and redirect the output to a file
  • change the name of the resource in the file
  • save the new resource with tctl create -f
  • update any references to the old resource


  • <resource-type/resource-name> The resource to edit
    • <resource type> The type of the resource [for example: user,cluster,token]
    • <resource name> The name of the resource

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


edit the sre role

tctl edit role/sre

edit the alice user with the nano editor

TELEPORT_EDITOR=nano tctl edit user/alice

tctl get

Print a YAML declaration of various Teleport resources:

tctl get [<flags>] <resource-type/resource-name>,...


  • <resource-type/resource-name> The resource to get
    • <resource type> The type of the resource [for example: user,cluster,token,device]
    • <resource name> The name of the resource


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--formatyaml, json or textOutput format
--with-secretsnonenoneInclude secrets in resources like certificate authorities or OIDC connectors

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


tctl get users

Dump the user definition into a file:

tctl get user/joe > joe.yaml

Prints the trusted cluster 'east'

tctl get cluster/east

Prints all trusted clusters and all users

tctl get clusters,users

Dump all resources for backup into state.yaml

tctl get all > state.yaml
tctl get users

Dump the user definition into a file:

tctl get user/joe > joe.yaml

Prints the trusted cluster 'east'

tctl get cluster/east

Prints all trusted clusters and all users

tctl get clusters,users

tctl help

Shows help:

tctl help

tctl inventory list

List Teleport instance inventory:

tctl inventory list [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--formattextyaml, json or textOutput format
--older-thannonestringFilter for older teleport versions
--exact-versionnonestringFilter output by teleport version
--servicesnonestringFilter output by service (node,kube,proxy,etc)
--upgradernonenone, kube, or unitFilter output by upgrader (kube,unit,none)

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


List inventory

tctl inventory ls
Server ID Hostname Services Agent Version Upgrader Upgrader Version------------------------------------ ------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------- -------- ----------------00c3a1f7-5f24-47f9-b866-14401fbb5685 teleport-proxy-77df88c69 Proxy 15.4.5 none none065ab336-1ac2-4314-8b16-32fc06a172a7 server1 Node 15.4.5 unit 15.4.5a24d4ad4-ead8-4b15-9ea6-357a5350369e teleport-auth-fb68b5df7 Auth,Discovery 15.4.5 none none

List inventory for a specific service and version

tctl inventory ls --services=node --exact-version=15.4.5
Server ID Hostname Services Agent Version Upgrader Upgrader Version------------------------------------ ------------------------------- -------------------------- ------------- -------- ----------------065ab336-1ac2-4314-8b16-32fc06a172a7 server1 Node 15.4.5 unit 15.4.5a24d4ad4-ead8-4b15-9ea6-357a5350369e server2 Node,App 15.4.5 unit 15.4.5

Note that newly added Teleport services do not show in the inventory right as the service joins. Those can take around 5 minutes under regular circumstances to show in inventory counts and up to 15 minutes for heavy load.

tctl inventory status

Show inventory status summary:

tctl inventory status [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--formattextyaml, json or textOutput format
--[no-]connected--no-connectednoneShow locally connected instances summary

Global flags

These are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


List inventory status

tctl inventory status
Versions: v15.4.5: 16Upgraders: kube: 6 unit: 6 none: 4Services: Discovery: 2 Auth: 2 Db: 2 Kube: 2 App: 2 Node: 2 Proxy: 2 WindowsDesktop: 2Total Instances: 16

List inventory status for locally connected instances summary. This allows seeing connected instances on a specific Auth service.

tctl inventory status --connected
Server ID Services Version Upgrader ------------------------------------ ---------------------- ------- -------- b48e6e81-63e0-498f-834b-1a8adea09d95 Auth 15.4.5 none 178d9301-2873-4020-895a-014edf067204 Node 15.4.5 unit

List inventory status

tctl inventory status
Versions: v15.4.0: 19Upgraders: kube: 1 unit: 1 none: 16Services: App: 1 Node: 1 Proxy: 12 Discovery: 2 Auth: 2 Kube: 1Total Instances: 19

Note that newly added Teleport services do not show in the inventory right as the service joins. Those can take around 5 minutes under regular circumstances to show in inventory counts and up to 15 minutes for heavy load.

tctl login_rule test

Test a Login Rule resource without installing it in the cluster.


  • <traits-file> input traits file in JSON or YAML format. Empty for stdin.


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--resource-filenonestring filepathPath to Login Rule resource path, can be repeated for multiple files
--load-from-clusterfalsetrue, falseWhen true, all Login Rules currently installed in the cluster will be loaded for the test. Can be combined with --resource-file to test interactions.
--formatyamlyaml, jsonOutput format for traits

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Test evaluation of the Login Rules from rule1.yaml and rule2.yaml with input traits from traits.json

tctl login_rule test --resource-file rule1.yaml --resource-file rule2.yaml traits.json

Test the Login Rule in rule.yaml along with all Login Rules already present in the cluster

tctl login_rule test --resource-file rule.yaml --load-from-cluster traits.json

Read the input traits from stdin

echo '{"groups": ["example"]}' | tctl login_rule test --resource-file rule.yaml

tctl nodes add

Generate a node invitation token:

tctl nodes add [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--rolesnodeproxy, auth, node, db, app or windowsdesktopComma-separated list of roles for the new node to assume
--ttl30mrelative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3hTime to live for a generated token
--tokennonestring token valueA custom token to use, auto-generated if not provided. Should match token set with teleport start --token

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Generates a token that can be used by a node to join the cluster, default ttl is 30 minutes

tctl nodes add

Generates a token that can be used to add an SSH node to the cluster.

The node will run both the proxy service and the node (ssh) service.

This token can be used within an hour.

tctl nodes add --roles=node,proxy --ttl=1h

tctl nodes ls

List all active SSH nodes within the cluster:

tctl nodes ls [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--namespacenonestring namespaceNamespace of the nodes

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.

tctl request approve

Approve a user's request:

tctl request approve [token]


  • <tokens> - comma-separated list of Teleport tokens.


tctl request approve request-id-1, request-id-2

tctl request deny

Denies a user's request:

tctl request deny [token]


  • <tokens> - comma-separated list of Teleport tokens.


tctl request deny request-id-1, request-id-2

tctl request ls

List of open requests:

tctl request ls


tctl request ls

Token Requestor Metadata Created At (UTC) Status

------------------------------------ --------- -------------- ------------------- -------

request-id-1 alice roles=dictator 07 Nov 19 19:38 UTC PENDING

tctl request rm

Delete a users role request:

tctl request rm [token]


  • <tokens> - comma-separated list of Teleport tokens.


tctl request rm request-id-1

tctl rm

Delete a resource:

tctl rm <resource-type/resource-name>


  • <resource-type/resource-name> Resource to delete
    • <resource type> Type of a resource [for example: saml,oidc,github,user,cluster,tokens,device]
    • <resource name> Resource name to delete


Delete a SAML connector called "okta":

tctl rm saml/okta

Delete a local user called "admin":

tctl rm users/admin

tctl sso configure github

Configure the GitHub auth connector.

Required params --id and --secret come from registering a GitHub OAuth app, which you can read about in the GitHub documentation.

The flag --teams-to-roles can be provided multiple times to specify which GitHub Teams are assigned which roles. In this example, members of the devs team in the GitHub org octocats will be assigned the access, and editor roles in Teleport.

tctl sso configure github --id=GITHUB_CLIENT_ID --secret=GITHUB_SECRET --teams-to-roles=octocats,devs,access,editor [<other-flags>]


This command accepts no arguments.


Mandatory flags: --id, --secret, --teams-to-roles.

NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
-n, --namegithubresource nameConnector name.
-r, --teams-to-rolesnoneorg,team,role1,role2,...Sets teams-to-roles mapping. Repeatable.
--displaynonedisplay nameControls how this connector is displayed.
--idnoneGitHub OAuth2 client idGitHub app client ID.
--secretnoneGitHub OAuth2 secretGitHub app client secret.
--redirect-urlnoneValid callback URL.Authorization callback URL.
--ignore-missing-rolesIgnore missing roles referenced in --teams-to-roles.

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Generate a GitHub auth connector. Two role mappings are defined:

  • members of the admin team in the octocats org will receive access, editor and auditor roles.
  • members of the dev team in octocats org will receive the access role.

tctl sso configure gh is an alias for tctl sso configure github.

tctl sso configure gh -r octocats,admin,access,editor,auditor -r octocats,dev,access --secret GH_SECRET --id CLIENT_ID
INFO [CLIENT] RedirectURL empty, resolving automatically.INFO [CLIENT] RedirectURL set to "https://teleport.example.com:3080/v1/webapi/github/callback"kind: githubmetadata: name: githubspec: client_id: CLIENT_ID client_secret: GH_SECRET display: "" redirect_url: https://teleport.example.com:3080/v1/webapi/github/callback teams_to_logins: - logins: - access - editor - auditor organization: octocats team: admin - logins: - access organization: octocats team: devversion: v3

Generate the configuration and immediately test it using tctl sso test command.

tctl sso configure gh ... | tctl sso test

tctl sso configure oidc

Configure an OIDC auth connector, optionally using a preset.

The flag --claims-to-roles can be provided multiple times.

tctl sso configure oidc --id=CLIENT_ID --secret=SECRET --claims-to-roles=... [<other-flags>]


This command accepts no arguments.


Mandatory flags: --id, --secret, --claims-to-roles. Other flags may be required depending on chosen preset.

General flags:

-p, --presetPreset. One of: google, gitlab, okta.
-n, --nameConnector name. Required, unless implied from preset.
-r, --claims-to-rolesSets claim-to-roles mapping using format claim_name,claim_value,role1,role2,.... Repeatable.
--displayDisplay controls how this connector is displayed.
--idOIDC app client ID.
--secretOIDC app client secret.
--issuer-urlIssuer URL.
--redirect-urlAuthorization callback URL.
--promptOptional OIDC prompt. Example values: none, select_account, login, consent.
--scopeScope specifies additional scopes set by provider. Each repetition of the flag declares one scope. Examples: email, groups, openid.
--acrAuthentication Context Class Reference values.
--providerSets the external identity provider type to enable IdP specific workarounds. Examples: ping, adfs, netiq, `okta``.
--ignore-missing-rolesIgnore missing roles referenced in --claims-to-roles.

Supported presets:

NameDescriptionDisplayIssuer URL
googleGoogle WorkspaceGooglehttps://accounts.google.com

The above values for --issuer-url are defaults which may need to be updated depending on your IdP configuration.

The following flags are specific to Google Workspace:

--google-acc-uriURI of your service account credentials file. Example: file:///var/lib/teleport/gworkspace-creds.json.
--google-accString containing Google service account credentials.
--google-adminEmail of a Google admin to impersonate.
--google-legacyFlag to select groups with direct membership filtered by domain (legacy behavior).
Disabled by default. More info
--google-idShorthand for setting the --id flag to <GOOGLE_WORKSPACE_CLIENT_ID>.apps.googleusercontent.com

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


  1. Generate an OIDC auth connector configuration called myauth. Two mappings from OIDC claims to roles are defined:
    • members of admin group will receive access, editor and auditor roles.
    • members of developer group will receive access role.

The values for --secret, --id and --issuer-url are provided by the IdP.

tctl sso configure oidc -n myauth -r groups,admin,access,editor,auditor -r group,developer,access \ --secret IDP_SECRET --id CLIENT_ID \ --issuer-url https://idp.example.com
  1. Generate an OIDC auth connector with the Okta preset, enabling the groups scope and mapping the okta-admin group to roles access, editor, auditor. Issuer URL is set to match a custom Okta domain.
tctl sso configure oidc --preset okta --scope groups -r groups,okta-admin,access,editor,auditor \ --secret IDP_SECRET --id CLIENT_ID \ --issuer-url dev-123456.oktapreview.com
  1. Generate an OIDC auth connector with the Google preset. Service account credentials are set to be loaded from /var/lib/teleport/gacc.json with --google-acc-uri.
tctl sso configure oidc --preset google -r groups,mygroup@mydomain.example.com,access \ --secret SECRET --google-id GOOGLE_ID --google-acc-uri /var/lib/teleport/gacc.json \ --google-admin admin@mydomain.example.com
  1. Generate the configuration and immediately test it using the tctl sso test command.
tctl sso configure oidc ... | tctl sso test

tctl sso configure saml

Configure the SAML auth connector, optionally using a preset.

The flag --attributes-to-roles/-r can be provided multiple times.

To avoid errors when pasting XML to a YAML file, we encourage the usage of the flag --entity-descriptor/-e.

tctl sso configure saml -e entity_desc.xml -r attr,value,role1 [<other-flags>]


This command accepts no arguments.


Mandatory flags: --name, --attributes-to-roles, --entity-descriptor. These flags may become non-mandatory when other flags are present; see table below for details.

-p/--presetPreset. One of: okta, onelogin, ad, adfs.
-n/--nameYes, unless --preset is given.Connector name.
-e/--entity-descriptorYes, unless --sso, --acs, --cert and --issuer are also given.Set the Entity Descriptor. Valid values: file path, URL, XML content. Supplies configuration parameters as a single XML document instead of individual elements.
-r/--attributes-to-rolesYes, at least one occurrence must be present.Sets attribute-to-role mapping using format attr_name,attr_value,role1,role2,.... Repeatable.
--displaySets the connector display name.
--issuerSets identity provider issuer.
--ssoURL of the identity provider's SSO service.
--certPath to your IdP's certificate PEM file. Your IdP signs responses using this certificate.
--acsURL for the assertion consumer service on the service provider (Teleport's side).
--audienceUniquely identifies our service provider.
--service-provider-issuerIssuer of the service provider (Teleport).
--signing-key-fileA file with request signing key. Must be used together with --signing-cert-file.
--signing-cert-fileA file with request certificate. Must be used together with --signing-key-file.
--assertion-key-fileA file with key used for securing SAML assertions. Must be used together with --assertion-cert-file.
--assertion-cert-fileA file with cert used for securing SAML assertions. Must be used together with --assertion-key-file.
--providerSets the external identity provider type, enabling workarounds. Examples: ping, adfs.
--ignore-missing-rolesIgnore missing roles referenced in --attributes-to-roles.

Supported presets:

adAzure Active DirectoryMicrosoft
adfsActive Directory Federation ServicesADFS

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


  1. Generate a SAML auth connector configuration called myauth. Two mappings from SAML attributes to roles are defined:
    • members of admin group will receive access, editor and auditor roles.
    • members of developer group will receive access role. The IdP metadata will be read from entity-desc.xml file.
tctl sso configure saml -n myauth -r group,admin,access,editor,auditor -r group,developer,access -e entity-desc.xml
  1. Generate a SAML auth connector configuration using the okta preset. The choice of preset affects the default name and display attribute, and may apply IdP-specific tweaks. Instead of an XML file, a URL was provided to the -e flag, which will be fetched by Teleport during runtime.
tctl sso configure saml -p okta -r group,dev,access -e https://dev-123456.oktapreview.com/app/ex30h8/sso/saml/metadata
  1. Generate a configuration and immediately test it using the tctl sso test command:
tctl sso configure saml -p okta -r group,developer,access -e entity-desc.xml | tctl sso test

tctl sso test

Perform an end-to-end test of an SSO authentication flow using the provided auth connector definition.

The command supports all auth connector types: github, oidc and saml. The latter two require Teleport Enterprise.

tctl [<global-flags>] sso test [<auth-connector.yaml>]

The testing consists of running a single end-to-end authentication request using the provided auth connector definition. Once the request is finished, the results will be printed to standard output along with context-specific diagnostic information. The test process is safe from side effects in that:

  • it will not change the list of configured auth connectors
  • the audit log will clearly state the login attempts as "test" ones
  • there will be no certificates issued for the authenticated user

To use this command, you must have access to the github_request, oidc_request, and saml_request resources (depending on the type of connector being tested).

If you receive a "permission denied" error, ensure that you have access to the following resources in one of your Teleport roles:

- resources: [github_request]
  verbs: [list,create,read,update,delete]
- resources: [oidc_request]
  verbs: [list,create,read,update,delete]
- resources: [saml_request]
  verbs: [list,create,read,update,delete]


  • [<filename>] Connector resource definition file. Optional. Empty for stdin.


This command defines no flags.

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands: --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Test the auth connector from connector.yaml:

tctl sso test connector.yaml

The command is designed to be used in conjunction with the tctl sso configure family of commands:

tctl sso configure ... | tctl sso test

The pipeline may also utilize tee to capture the connector generated with tctl sso configure. This will save the connector in connector.yaml:

tctl sso configure ... | tee connector.yaml | tctl sso test

You can test an existing auth connector by combining the command with tctl get:

$ tctl get saml/your-connector-name --with-secrets | tctl sso test

Make sure to include --with-secrets flag, or the exported auth connector will not be testable.

tctl status

Report cluster status:

tctl status


Checks status of cluster.

tctl status Cluster grav-00 User CA never updated Host CA never updated CA

pin sha256:1146cdd2b887772dcc2e879232c8f60012a839f7958724ce5744005474b15b9d

Checks remote auth status using exported identity.

tctl status \ --auth-server= \ --identity=identity.pem

tctl tokens add

Create an invitation token:

tctl tokens add --type=TYPE [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--formatnonetext, json, yamlOutput format
--labelsnonetextSets token labels
--ttl1hDuration like 5s, 2m, or 3hSets how long the token is valid for.
--typenoneproxy, auth, trusted_cluster, node, db, kube, app, windowsdesktopType of token to add
--valuenonestring token valueValue of token to add

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Generate an invite token for a trusted_cluster

tctl tokens add --type=trusted_cluster --ttl=5m

Generate an invite token for a trusted_cluster with labels

tctl tokens add --type=trusted_cluster --labels=env=prod,region=us-west

Generate an invite token for a node

This is equivalent to `tctl nodes add`

tctl tokens add --type=node

Generate a join token for both a Node and the Database Service

tctl tokens add --type=node,db

Generate an invite token for a kubernetes_service

tctl tokens add --type=kube

Generate an invite token for an app_service

tctl tokens add --type=app

tctl tokens ls

List node and user invitation tokens:

tctl tokens ls [<flags>]


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--formatnonetext, json, yamlOutput format

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config . Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


tctl tokens ls

Token Type Expiry Time (UTC)

-------------------------------- --------------- -------------------

abcd123-insecure-do-not-use-this Node 11 Oct 19 22:17 UTC

efgh456-insecure-do-not-use-this trusted_cluster 11 Oct 19 22:19 UTC

ijkl789-insecure-do-not-use-this User signup 11 Oct 19 22:20 UTC

tctl tokens rm

Delete/revoke an invitation token:

tctl tokens rm [<token>]


  • <token> The full-length token string to delete

tctl top

Reports diagnostic information.

The diagnostic metrics endpoint must be enabled with teleport start --diag-addr=<bind-addr> for tctl top to work.

tctl top [<diag-addr>] [<refresh>]


  • [<diag-addr>] Diagnostic HTTP URL (HTTPS not supported)
  • [<refresh>] Refresh period e.g. 5s, 2m, or 3h


sudo teleport start --diag-addr=

View stats with a refresh period of 5 seconds

tctl top 5s

tctl users add

Generates a user invitation token:

tctl users add [<flags>] <account>


  • <account> - The Teleport user account name.


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--rolesnoneComma-separated stringsList of Teleport roles to assign to the new user
--loginsnoneComma-separated stringsList of allowed SSH logins for the new user
--kubernetes-groupsnoneComma-separated stringsKubernetes groups to assign to a user, e.g. system:masters
--kubernetes-usersnoneComma-separated stringsKubernetes user to assign to a user, e.g. jenkins
--db-usersnoneComma-separated stringsList of allowed database users for the new user
--db-namesnoneComma-separated stringsList of allowed database names for the new user
--windows-loginsnoneComma-separated stringsList of allowed Windows logins for the new user
--aws-role-arnsnoneComma-separated stringsList of allowed AWS role ARNs for the new user
--gcp-service-accountsnoneComma-separated stringsList of allowed GCP service accounts for the new user
--azure-identitiesnoneComma-separated stringsList of Azure managed identities to allow the user to assume. Must be the full URIs of the identities
--ttl1hrelative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h, maximum 48hSet expiration time for token
--host-user-uidnoneUnix UIDUID for auto provisioned host users to use
--host-user-gidnoneUnix GIDGID for auto provisioned host users to use

Global flags

These flags are available for all commands --debug, --config. Run tctl help <subcommand> or see the Global Flags section.


Adds teleport user "joe" with mappings to

OS users and {{ internal.logins }} to "joe" and "ubuntu"

tctl users add joe --roles=access,requester joe,ubuntu

Adds Teleport user "joe" with mappings to the editor role

tctl users add joe --roles=editor,reviewer

tctl users ls

Lists all user accounts:

tctl users ls [<flags>]

tctl users reset

Reset local user account password and any associated second factor with expiring link to populate values. Usage: tctl users reset <account>


  • <account> - Teleport Local DB User


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--ttl8hrelative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3hSet the expiration time for token, default is 8h0m0s, maximum is 24h0m0s


tctl users reset jeff

User jeff has been reset. Share this URL with the user to complete password reset, the link is valid for 8h0m0s:


Resets jeff's password and any associated second factor. Jeff populates the password and confirms the token with the link.

tctl users rm

Deletes user accounts:

tctl users rm <logins>


  • <logins> - comma-separated list of Teleport users


tctl users rm sally,tim

Removes users sally and tim

tctl users update

Update user account:

tctl users update [<flags>] <account>


  • <account> - The Teleport user account name.


NameDefault Value(s)Allowed Value(s)Description
--set-rolesnoneComma-separated list of roles for the user to assume.Assigns the user's roles to the ones provided, replacing the user's current roles.
--set-azure-identitiesnoneComma-separated list of allowed Azure identity URIs.Assigns the user's allowed Azure identities to the ones provided, replacing the user's currently allowed Azure identities.


Set the user joe's roles to access and editor:

tctl users update joe --set-roles=access,editor

Set the user priya's Azure identities to developer and dba:

tctl users update priya --set-azure-identities \ `/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID?}/resourceGroups/${MY_RESOURCE_GROUP?}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/developer,\ `/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID?}/resourceGroups/${MY_RESOURCE_GROUP?}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/dba

tctl version

Print the version of your tctl binary:

tctl version